Hierarchical Brain

An explanation of the human brain

First published 1st February 2024. This is version 1.5 published 2nd March 2024.
Three pages are not yet published: sleep, memory and an index.
Copyright © 2024 Email info@hierarchicalbrain.com

Warning - the conclusions of this website may be disturbing for some people without a stable mental disposition or with a religious conviction.

Afferent processing examples

This page contains simplified examples of afferent processing that aim to give a feel for the way that data, particularly sense data, may be processed in the brain using only very basic coincidence detection. To make the examples understandable, I have not used real neurons but model neurons that I call ABCD neurons. The examples should be read in order, because the first example gives more details that are skipped over in later examples.

These examples span all levels of afferent processing in my hierarchical structure of levels of description. The inevitable end result of this processing is large numbers of symbol schemas that represent concepts in the brain, as well as the connections between them that represent connections and relationships between those concepts in the real world, and efferent connections back towards where the data came in that are used by many high-level functions. Together, these symbol schemas and their connections form a model of my world.

Contents of this page
Introduction - Introduction to the examples.
Example 1 - Seeing a red frisbee.
Example 2 - Throwing a frisbee.
Example 3 - Seeing and throwing a frisbee.
Example 4 - Two views of a frisbee at different angles.
Example 5 - Connecting to other symbol schemas.
Example 6 - Two views of a frisbee over a longer time.
Example 7 - Connecting to the self symbol schema.
Example 8 - Starting to create an attention schema.
Example 9 - Hearing a regular pulse.


Example 1 - Seeing a red frisbee

Notes for example 1

Example 2 - Throwing a frisbee

Example 3 - Seeing and throwing a frisbee

Example 4 - Two views of a frisbee at different angles

Notes for example 4

Example 5 - Connecting to other symbol schemas

Example 6 - Two views of a frisbee over a longer time

Notes for example 6

Example 7 - Connecting to the self symbol schema

Example 8 - Starting to create an attention schema

Example 9 - Hearing a regular pulse

Page last uploaded Tue Feb 20 13:04:29 2024 MST